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Home , Desing , Accessories
[Resim: 121233211-removebg-preview_1_360x.png?v=1595454791]
Starting with a local initiative, we supply products according to needs with our international research and home development ability. When choosing our products, we make sure that they are cheap and of good quality. We decide on the products we select by having one-to-one experience and offer specific solutions from an objective perspective. Our main goal is to provide our guests with a professional and sincere experience. It makes us happy to always carry out the necessary research in the field of home and lifestyle and to connect our brand with sincerity and trust. Accessories
We see that large e-commerce sites in the UK have a complex user interface due to a wide range of products. This problem also paves the way for many problems that may arise.
As a result, this complexity takes buyers away from the decision-making process and occupies their perceptions. On the other hand, it helps to divert decisions by exposing them to unnecessary marketing. This is the last thing our guests and our team will want. Desing
[Resim: H24230W-1-c798-VwJK_3b994f09-0b7d-4e8b-9...1592959911]
Let's take a closer look at this complexity.
1. Customers have difficulty in finding the product they want to buy by being exposed to unnecessary marketing.
2. Due to the wide range of products, customers are exposed to the user interface complexity of the e-commerce website.
[Resim: H19943GY-1-0d42-khNR_279c12dc-c5f5-4499-...1591401207]
3. As a result of the situations arising from the first and second items, the e-commerce website becomes unable to offer a simple theme and threatens the customer's willingness to purchase sustainable.
4. The time that the customer wants to spend on the website and the time they spend on the website do not match, and this causes time loss.
When the results of the 4 items are examined, we see that the brand is interestingly away from sincerity. This complexity takes buyers away from the decision-making process and occupies their perceptions. On the other hand, it helps guide decisions by exposing them to unnecessary marketing. This is the last thing our guests and our team will want. We argue that an e-commerce website should be literally simple and straightforward. Only in this way do we accept that the user experience will be maintained at a professional and reliable level.

Bu Konudaki Mesajlar
Home , Desing , Accessories - tarafından admin - 07-24-2020, 10:35 PM

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